Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trinny Woodall Biography

Trinny Woodall Biography

Trinny Woodall 

Personal details

Name: Trinny Woodall
Born: 8/02/1964 (Age: 47)
From: London, UK
Famous for: She's one half of the pair who thinks they 'know' fashion.
Relationship status: Married

In a nutshell

This might not come as a surprise to many of you but Trinny is one half of the infamous duo Trinny and Susannah. Yes, them.
After attending boarding school from the age of 6, Trinny went on to eventually work in the financial sector when she was all grown up. She had an obvious love of fashion so started to customise things she'd bought on the high street and making her own fashion accessories. We've all done a bit of this at one time or another but Trinny was either really, really great or knew the right people ? she ended up selling to Harrods and Harvey Nichols.
We don't know how (probably posh families and stuff) but Trinny met ? wait for it ? Susannah at a party help by somebody called David Viscount Linley. Sigh. They got together to write a column for the Daily Telegraph called Ready to Wear before eventually landing a slot on Richard & Judy's show.
They obviously looked alright on TV and managed not to say 't**s' very often so were signed up for the show 'What Not To Wear' on BBC Two. They became household names for their rather posh, frank views on what women were wearing and, from what we remember, their bra sizes.
What normally happens with things like this is people get a little too big for their boots. Trinny (and Susannah) being no exception. They switched to ITV in a big-money deal, just at the point when most of the public seemed to find them more annoying than ever before. Suffice to say, their shows there didn't do as well as the original, being shunted around the schedules more than often than you could say bra. Trinny Woodall Biography from (http://www.talktalk.co.uk/celebrity/biography/person/trinny-woodall/196)
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